Soccer and Clubs Day

This week was a pretty good week.

Wednesday was Clubs Day. Well, more like Clubs lunch because it only lasted for two hours. But there was free food, and so many clubs. I signed up for quite a few, including the sci-fi club, the physics club, the wine club, and one called Cake Wednesdays. This last club exists for the sole purpose of having free cake on Wednesdays. (Did I come to the right university? Yes. Yes I did.) I doubt I’ll get to do much or be super involved with any of them, especially since I’m already part of the Canoe Club and the Tramping Club. But the sign-ups were free for the most part, so why not?

Hopefully I’ll get some wine-tasting and stargazing in, anyway 😉

On Thursday, a few of us decided we wanted to play some soccer. Michael (from Austria) had a ball, so six of us went out to the Ilam fields and set up a small playing area. It’s only been 3 or 4 weeks since I last played soccer… but it’s been too long. >.<

The game was a lot of fun, and the field was so muddy… I don’t know if my bright pink shoes will ever be the same. My brand new pants officially look great with mud splattered all over them. The Austrians and the German decided to go barefoot, while the Welshman and the American and I all decided to keep our shoes on.

In hindsight, it probably would’ve been better if we’d been barefoot.

Ah well. Next time!

The game was short, seeing as it got dark quickly, and Heiko and I had to leave for choir after a half hour anyway. It wasn’t until we got there that we realized just exactly how dirty we were. (I had to excuse myself to wash my hands, cause that was just embarrassing. I looked like a kid who loves to play in the mud.) But it was a good time. Soccer and singing in one day, how much better can it get? (I mean, apart from being in New Zealand and all that.)

Later on, I emailed the RecCentre about forming an intramural’s team for soccer – turns out they still have spots left for this semester. So I started a facebook conversation with a few people who might be interested in playing on Wednesdays, and lo and behold – after a lengthy democratic and indecisive process for choosing the team name – we had a team.

Things are looking good.

Also, I bought a guitar. Hopefully I will be able to sell it again when I leave, but for now I am enjoying the music.


Anyway, I should probably go now because I do have a paper that I need to write. (What with the music and the soccer and the travel and the procrastinating, I don’t know if I’m actually going to pass my classes this semester…)

But I get to play soccer. Huzzah!
